Thursday, May 31, 2007

Environment and Marijuana

I don't work for the Fund for Public Interest Research any more. The group, as a part of Campaign to Save the Environment, has been helping out Environment Georgia, and I'm not part of it any more.

I joined the Fund b/c I felt like I haven't done much of environmental activism and wanna learn more about the issue. And as I started working for them I actually realized how clean our environment it. Plus, it seems trivial to talk about trees and air (although I do love them all) compared to, for instance, saving lives from AIDS.

But then I think again; will I be able to say this if I have lost a loved one due to environment-related disease?

Bottom line is, when it comes to public-health related issues, all of them eventually have some life-to-death component to it. Yes some issues are more direct and wide-spread in its life-to-death implication, but for the sake of one lost loved one of someone it is worth the effort; each and every life is precious, and it seems wrong to compare what is more worth effort; for whatever public-health issue, imagine you lost your parents to it, and for someone that's probably true.

Although appreciating this reflection and another valuable activists network I gained, I still didn't feel like I was passionate enough about the environment issue; so I don't work for it any more. So I'm focusing on my other job--marketing research for G2K--and working for Princeton Academy as well.

I think KCA at Clark Atlanta University has no summer activities; I e-mailed the president more than a week ago she hasn't responded; hopefully she will. I also plan to get my church involved w/ KCA and convince my sister to start a high school KCA chapter; hopefully all the effort will go well.

Shifting the gear, yesterday I was driving and saw this house and remembered what house was it distinctly; it was a house, back in my fresman year in high school, where I had first second-hand experience w/ marijuana; since then I have had bunch of those kinds of exposures b/c I once wanted to become a pastor who guides these debauch youth in US and sort of hanged out w/ them bunch to get inside the mind of these people. Although I put aside that dream (I realized spiritual/life guiding isn't really my forte and I myself am too horrible in many ways), it always makes me sad these young people in US who have so much potential to do good things are wasting away due to drugs and other problems.; across the pond people are dying b/c they have way too less drugs, here people are dyinh b/c they have way too much drugs.

Part of the problem definitely is the lack of love and affection in this too-much individualistic society; so let's keep love on, knowing that litte things we do, say, and respond matter so much.


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