Sunday, June 10, 2007


I usually have my entire blog in my head before I write it down. But this blog will be freestyle.

I received an e-mail about volunteering opportunity in Uganda. This doctor couple is running a hospital, nutrition program, and schoo as a part of World Harvest missions. And they need two males in 2008.

I sent a request for further info, so until I receive that this would be just preliminary reflection. So obviously the question is: am I going or not?

Besides the hospital, I know Uganda has a KCA site and is a country with the most successful history of AIDS remedy in sub-Saharan Africa; so I really wanna learn more about that too.

The cost is obviously a drawback. I don't know how much of the cost I will have to cover myself; but probably a major portion. Will that money be better spent as a donation to KCA?

But then experience is so much; I so know it's not just about money; the experience and social network will be priceless, and in the long run are probably more valuable than a one-time donation.

Plus, my life philosophy--especially at this young age--is try everything, anything, something; and Uganda would be a definite everything, anything, something.

School comes as a drawback as well. I plan to get my degree in Dec 2008, and spending a year or more in Uganda would obviously delay that; is this something I wanna try after graduation? Opportunities like this are surely to come again. But then, after graduation even if something like this comes up what if I'm so caught up with life and job I can't even make it? Is student-time the best and only time to gain this experience?

Parents. That's another consideration. My dad is a definitely yes; my mom, probably yes, although she would not like the idea.

All these will be reconsidered after I receive more info.

Meanwhile, tomorrow I'm making a proposal to the mission committee at my church to partner w/ KCA--short-term and long-term. Please let that go well!

And I'm glad my sister is interested in starting a high school chapter of KCA. I talked her into it but she seems to have an interest of her own and she's a good leader and has many friends. I really appreciate that.

Fight the virus with virus!


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