Friday, May 11, 2007

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is tomorrow. I received an e-letter form Keep A Child Alive about how while this is the day of celebration for many mothers, around the world many mothers have to watch their children dying from AIDS.

So true. This ever saddening disparity of this world. And in letting people know about this KCA is amazing; in fact KCA is the best organization I've ever worked for, and I plan to work for them till I breathe my last; of course my hope is KCA and other organizations will successfully spread the virus of ARV to stop the virus of AIDS; but I know this is just a cute idealism.

With the limited resource this Earth has, human suffering will persist, in one way or the other; the best we can do is try to distribute that limited resource as fairly as possible.

My mom says I'm a socialist; yes in idea socialism, communism, all good to me; it's sad human's selfish nature is not in accord with them.

I'm thinking about starting to give 10% of my income to KCA; the way people make tithing to church; yes I love Christ and try to make Christinaty the center of my spiritual life, but churches in US have way too much money already; it would glorify God more to give money for AIDS drugs for dying children in Africa than for toys for healthy pre-school kids in US.

My parents' church is fundraising 15 million for new building; I'm always ambivalent about church's expansion; yes in long run improving people's spiritual life would enhance society and the world because hopefully people will feel blessed more and start giving more; but on the other hand with all these money churches in US have, can they give more to other life-to-death needs, like ARV drugs? But then it will create a whole list of life-to-death needs and churches can't pump money unlimitedly; so instead they focus on collective, church-oriented goal like expanding church. I just hope with all these blessings people earn through church in US they will give more to life-to-death needs. What can be more important than preventing people from dying?

Speaking of US churches having way too much money, more money should be given to chuches around the world that really need money; my parents have contributed to a church in a farm village in S. Korea.

Wow. My Mother's Day reflection has turned into a glimpse into my social vision. Back to Mother's Day I'm trying to make my gifts to my mom as not obvious to my dad as possible; seeing I and my sister doing something for mom, dad will feel sad he can't do anything for his mother; because she's in S. Korea; he hasn't seen her in like 6 years, and won't see her till he gets his permanent residence card; waiting for Dream Act and immigration reform but Bush the dickhead has restricted all that; immigration reform now!!!! My grandmother has a stroke and half-paralyzed and she's in S. Korea by herself; it doesn't make sense that people like my dad who has contributed so much to US economy business-wise journalism-wise is not given green card; it was supposed to come out long time ago anyway, except that Bush the dickhead has done some useless ineffective reforms about immigration that delay the whole process. Again, immigration reform now!!!

Ok, from Mother's Day to AIDS to immigration; I've said too much.


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