Saturday, May 5, 2007

back home?

So I'm back "home" in Georgia; I've never had a strong sense of "home," having moved something like 10 times in my life so far (not including moving for college); in fact I lived at my place in NY way longer that I've ever lived in my current house in Atlanta, b/c last fall right around I moved to NY my family yet moved again; so during the winter break when I came home it was like "oh, I'm back home....I've never slept here before!" Places in S. Korea, places in Georgia....urban, suburb, farm village, one room tenement w/ 4 people (not one room apartment, like literally one tiny tiny room), etc, I 've lived them all.

So wherever I happen to be is my home and I cherish those moments; this summer I will be working for Campaign to Save the Environment (an environment lobby agency affiliated w/ Sierra Club etc); so sad I didn't get AIDS-related job but hopefully I will learn experience to bring back; and I will be involved w/ KCA college in Atlanta, w/e they're doing this summer.

So happy; so blessed.

Some people have romanticized view about third world country; those people who were born and raised in US will never understand what is it like to actually have lived in third world for like 13 years; living in broken-down one room tenement w/ 4 people for months and all, for instance.


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