Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The power of "I Know"

Besides the marketing research job, I have two side-jobs for Princeton Academy and Dream Kids.

For Dream Kids, a part of what I do is I'm teaching a 1st grader math and language; one-o-one; at his house.

First graders. They hate homeworks and stuff. This one is not an exception; he's strong; today he pulled off an entire tantrum about how he wants to get out of the study room. I pulled off my usual negative reinforcement talk "you can get out of here after you finish your work"

Not working well. Tantrum's getting intense. So inadvertently I spat out two words that proved to be powerful.
"I know" (that you want to get out of here)

The two words were magaical. It appeared that the tantrum wasn't just indicative of his desires; but also indicative of him wanting me to know how he feels and relates to him.

After I go on with that "I know" talk, he became a peaceful sheep completing his homework.

Wow. The power of "I know"; the power of interpersonal relating.

Ok, Keep A Child Alive. I presented my partnership proposal to the mission committee of my church. Overall, not much responsive. Of course we're talking about a local church whose idea of community service consists of visiting local homeless shelter and doing a can drive. Though we have mission trips to Honduras and what not, not much international element--sharp contrast to New York where just about everything is international.

What I really tried to establish was a framework for ongoing partnership; movement doesn't end with one-time swipe of credit card or signing off of one check; it has to build up, one person with another, one group with another, together. Relationships.

But it appears that the best I can get out of my church is a one-time contribution; darn it, but I realizes once the church makes a contribution the headquarter will take care of the ongoing relation--donor relations! So I feel like I've done my work.

I realized yesterday was 6th anniversary of me coming to US. Gosh my dad.....his mom (my grandma) still in S. Korean half paralyzed in a hospital all by herself with no family; and my dad can't visit him because he still doesn't have his permanent resident card due to the immigration stuffs being carried out horribly by our infinitely wise president and Congress. He can go there, but he can't come back; that's the issue, and it's not like given the family situation here he wants to leave US for good.
Dream Act now!!!!!

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