Monday, November 5, 2007

yeah it's my BIRTHDAY! please please read the letter below

Hello this is B (some of you know me as Bumhe or Ben), greeting and love from New York City!

As I continue my study at New York University, I cannot emphasize enough how relationships I’ve cherished with all of you have been inner guiding voices in my school, work, and social life; I really want to thank each and every one of you.

And today is my birthday! This year, instead of asking for a present and/or throwing a party I’m throwing an online benefit celebration for charity, by inviting you to PLAY A GAME called G-MAKCA which stands for Guess My Age to Keep a Child Alive.

A word about the organization Keep a Child Alive (KCA) before I explain how to play this awesome, simple, and fun game: Keep a Child Alive, with which I’ve been involved since this Feb, does exactly what it says: keeping AIDS-infected children alive by providing life-saving antiretroviral medication, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. A child dies from AIDS per minute in that region just because they can’t afford the $1/day medication, and many of them don’t get to live to their 5th birthday.

So, in a thankful celebration of my birthday, I’m inviting you to Guess My Age to Keep a Child Alive. The idea behind the game is that now I tell you that today is my birthday, many of you will be asking, “How old are you turning?” (a classic birthday question!). Well, I want YOU to guess how old I’m turning and this is how I’m asking you to do it:

1. Please e-mail me ( or message me your name, mailing address (just so I can send you a big thank-you for playing the game; all the information will remain confidential), and your guess on how old I’m turning (this is a game—be playful with your guess! do you think I’ll be turning 7? 20? 50???)

2. At your earliest convenience, please donate the dollar amount of your guess to Keep a Child Alive (for example, if you think I’ll be turning 7, please donate $7; if you think I’ll be turning 20, please donate $20, and so on)

%100 of your donations will be used to purchase life-saving antiretroviral medication—which costs $1/day—to AIDS-infected children and families. Keep a Child Alive, thanks to its corporate sponsors who cover the management cost, is able to use %100 of your donations for the cause.

And you can donate through this link:

or by making a check to Keep a Child Alive, with “in celebration of B’s birthday” on the memo,


Keep a Child Alive

45 Main Street, Suite 720

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Feel free to learn more about Keep a Child Alive as well!

Thank you so much for your love and little care—for that’s what makes this world go around!

B. Han


1 comment:

bluesky said...

and please share this with your family and friends as well!!!