Wednesday, July 4, 2007

KCA, midnight poetry, clubs, outdoor

Noelle confirmed with the headquarter that "Don't Give Up (Africa)" is still available on iTune and proceeds still got to KCA; she also told me that while Cingular doesn't offer such thing with rington anymore, there is a similar deal with Sony BMG. I've already told ppl about this and shared my story w/ KCA and told them to buy the song. A good, small ongoing thing I can keep in mind and get it as a part of movement.

KCA at Duluth High School (first high school KCA chapter, as far as I know) myspace page will kick off in a week (if my lovely sister is doing her job well). Awesome.

Yes, it does appear that my church, in response to my partnership proposal, will make an one-time donation; I'm not sure how much or when; always takes long time to introduce an international thing to a local level; but at least it's nice that churches in US have money to offer, unlinke churhes in 3rd world--like the church back in S. Korean in my grandma's vilalge--who's barely getting by.

I personally know someone from Duke now! Well I kinda knew him already but now I know him more; and even better he's the son of the pastor that I shared my KCA story w/ and helped me w/ my proposal; so soon I will talk to him about starting KCA in Duke...or does it already have one?

I want to talk with this girl from another high school who goes to my church about starting a chapter at her school--or since she's a rising senior who will probably end up in UGA, starting a chapter there in the future. Hopefully that will go well too.

iPhone bid for KCA last time I checked was over 5k. Great. I was actually worried about that, b/c I thought whole frenzy over iPhone will overshadow anything about KCA; but seems like ppl at KCA coordinated the event pretty well. Awesome. This kinda big event pulling off thousands dollar at once actually reminded of something.

I remember back in 9th I was fundraising for AIDS cause for the first time, as a part of AIDS Walk. I posted a flyer on my apartment complex bulletin board, and the next day a gentleman called me and dropped by to contribute $10. The complex was really ghetto and poor, and that was the first and last donation I collected from there.

But how powerful that $10 was.

Since then I did AIDS Walk every year and it's definitely a part of my charity mindset--that $10.

Midnight Poetry: Atlanta! I literally took like 8 ppl to a park at midnight last Thursday and we read poems; there were candles too, and at the end we rode swings; everyone's childhood memories. So surreal and great.

Last weekend due to my insane friends I went clubbing two nights in a row; first some hip-hop dance club that I didn't really fit in; second a techno rave club that I so enjoyed with my glowsticks; I love raving w/ glowsticks.

And yesterday I went to this thing thinking that it was some concert but turned out to be this huge outdoor pre-July 4th festival w/ literally the entire town in attendance. Town reunion. Fireworks were beautiful.

Speaking of fireworks and what-not, I hate nationalism in terms of it being the number one driving force of wars and conflicts in 20th century and how my family and I as immigrants went under entire craps b/c we're not natives here. GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP! the rights you automatically have anywhere everywhere b/c you're humans! not b/c you're labeled according to some obscure political boundary! those rights aren't guaranteed for many everywhere in the world.

To finish off on a tangent again, I used to be very descriptive, poetic writer. But now my journalism moves pervade. I believe there is power in brevity anyway.

But if you wanna check out some of my poems and artistic writings, go here


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